
Gummy Bear Lab Offers Seventh Graders Intro to Osmosis

The seventh grade science curriculum centers around the idea of interconnectedness, so throughout the year students will be exploring the relationship between function and structure. As a pre-lab to introduce students to the concept of osmosis (a critical concept when learning about the cell membrane) and as an introduction to using various lab materials, seventh graders were tasked with completing the Gummy Bear Osmosis Lab. Pairs of students were given 2 gummy bears, which they measured (height, length, and depth) and soaked in fresh water and salt water, respectively. Students then collected data about what happened to the size of the gummy bear after being submerged in water and will use that data to create a graph.
“This is a fun, exploratory lab for the students where they can actually see the osmosis taking place since the size of the gummy bears change after being submerged in water,” says teacher Gin Saepharn. “Going forward, students will learn the science behind this process and how it applies to the cell membrane." MORE PHOTOS