Student Life


Our Campus

The Brandeis School of San Francisco has a secure, modern campus that integrates outdoor and indoor spaces into a simple-to-navigate and welcoming place. With easy access from all areas of San Francisco, the campus offers ample parking for student drop-off and pick-up and school events. The light-filled lobby acts both as the point where students begin school and as a place where parents share coffee and catch up before heading off to their respective days. Spanning two acres and bordered by trees, the campus includes:

  • a middle school science laboratory;
  • a fine arts studio;
  • Studio for Ethics and the Arts ("SEA Space") used for dance and band practice;
  • a bright and colorful library;
  • a CREATE maker and tinkering space;
  • a woodshop;
  • an acoustically designed music room;
  • a dedicated after-school program room;
  • a learning resource center;
  • a beit midrash ("house of learning”) used for weekly tefillah, school assemblies, and play rehearsals;
  • a regulation-size gymnasium;
  • a large outdoor athletic area;
  • a dedicated playground for lower school students.

The Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund of San Francisco generously supports the safety and security of our campus.