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Second Graders Code Their Own Maze Games

Focusing on computer science concepts, second graders have created their own maze games using the Scratch application and visual programming language designed by the MIT Media Lab. “Students also incorporated concepts from lessons from, which uses puzzles to help teach computer science to students,” explains teacher Leo Stern. “Scratch is a wonderful application that enables students to learn coding while expressing themselves creatively. It engages students in a unique way in that they are able to get immediate feedback.” During the lessons this week, students selected their character (anything from a bat to a banana to a baseball) and gave their character commands to navigate through the maze (for example, “when the up arrow is pressed, move 3 spaces to the right”).
Adds Mr. Stern, “A significant portion of the technology curriculum is focused on computer science, which begins in kindergarten with basic sequencing. By second grade, students are introduced to Scratch and are able to create relatively advanced programs, games, and projects.” MORE PHOTOS