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Third Grade Judaic Studies Classes Begin with Social-emotional Learning Activity

At the beginning of each third grade Judaic studies session, students in Sharona Israeli-Roth’s classes participate in a social-emotional learning activity designed to “create empowerment, ownership, and support in our class,” explains Ms. Roth. In each class a different student takes a turn sitting in front of the class, back facing the whiteboard, while classmates write notes of appreciation about that student. After all students have written encouraging messages about the student of the day, that student reads aloud all of the notes and compliments received. “This activity is only two or three minutes of the class, but the students are so excited and proud,” adds Ms. Roth. “You really see the uniqueness of each student and how classmates feel each student contributes to our community. Setting this kavanah (intention) at the begonning of class helps the students realize the power of community and of each individual student within it.” MORE PHOTOS