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Powerful Learning for the Eighth Grade as Part of Holocaust Unit

As part of their Shoah (Holocaust) unit, our eighth grade students had the powerful opportunity to bear witness to the stories of a Holocaust survivor firsthand. Leon, born in Romania in 1931, told his story, intertwining illustrations of his experience into his talk and sharing excerpts from his book, Black Days and Nights. “I think that Leon’s story helps bring to life the lessons we have been studying in class,” explains Judaic studies teacher Rabbi Camille Angel. “And I think this encounter will stay with [the students] throughout their lives.”
Leon asked the eighth graders to promise him that they will do two things as they grow up. First, he told the students, “Always help your parents. My grandfather taught me the importance of helping my parents and I hope you will too.” Second, “Education is so important. Try to get the highest level of education you can.”
Adds Rabbi Angel, “After reading reflections from last year’s eighth grade class, I know that the students do remember the promises they made to Leon and they commit to doing their best to care for their parents and get the most education they can.” It was a moving and powerful day for the students. MORE PHOTOS