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Guest Speaker from ING Addresses Seventh Graders

Seventh grade social studies students enjoyed a special presentation and Q&A session with Ameena Jandali, an American Muslim speaker representing Islamic Networks Group (ING). The class has been studying Islamic civilization and the foundation and tenets of the religion. "ING is an impressive organization that looks to counter discrimination through education," says social studies teacher Allison Stine. Ms. Jandali led the students through an overview of the religion, including data about how many muslims there are in the world; reviewed major commonalities among Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; and took questions from her seventh grade audience, including "Why do you choose to wear a Hijab?" and "Where do you think prejudice against Islam originated?" 

Ms. Stine commented, "Ms. Jandali is such a positive and impressive woman in the Muslim community and in the Bay Area. She was particularly impressed by our students, as well as by how much they knew and how sophisticated their questions were. Today was a good day."