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Kindergarteners Recognize the Aleph Bet

Learning Hebrew letter recognition is an important part of the kindergarten curriculum. Students have been engaged in a number of stations focused on reinforcing letter recognition. “When I teach letters, I try to include other disciplines, including art, music, Judaic studies, and math, in order to make the learning more relevant to my students,” explains teacher Elana Lahav. The stations task students with stamping out Hebrew letters with Play-Doh, playing a Hebrew letter memory game, forming Hebrew letters with pretzel sticks and popsicle sticks, singing the Hebrew alphabet, and creating Hebrew alphabet bead necklaces. Students also created each of the letters of the alphabet with their bodies, which got them up and moving.
The class also created an alphabet book. Explains Ms. Lahav, “It was a great experience because it used the five senses: listening, seeing, tasting, smelling, and hearing. As we encountered each letter of the alphabet, we learned words that begin with that letter. For example, for the letter samech, we learned sal which means basket. So the students learned how to weave. For the letter hey, students learned the ritual of Havdalah—tasting the grape juice, smelling the spices, and seeing the light. This has been a great lesson that really provides the foundation for our next units.” MORE PHOTOS