News Detail

Beach Day!

Sandee Bisson, Israel Trip Chaperone

Today we slowed the pace of our trip down a bit and joined in on the Yom HaAtzmaut holiday observances. We slept in a bit, enjoyed our breakfast, loaded our suitcases onto the bus, and walked down to the beach for a morning of sand and surf. We enjoyed the beach until after lunch and then piled back into our rolling chariot, our tour bus.
We headed north and stopped for a bit to explore Caesarea. Our guides led us in a spirited Judean Olympics among the ruins of an ancient coliseum and hippodrome. We enjoyed some gelato and spectacular views of the Mediterranean and then continued on our travels north. We've stopped for the night at the lovely kibbutz in Tel Hai and are looking forward to meeting host families tomorrow.
During our beach time today I had some time to sit and write while the students enjoyed the beach. I love writing sestinas, a fixed form with repeating words, and played with one about our trip. Though far from perfect, I'd thought I'd share it here as it captures much of the goings on of the last few days.
Then, Here, and Now - A Sestina
Eight days we've traveled through Israel:
Moving from place-to-place together,
Visiting the sites of our shared past,
Taking time to think and remember,
Cherishing every dear moment,
Holding, clinging to the here and now.
We are a part of the here and now.
Strolling through the streets of Israel,
Streets that chronicle every moment,
Each heartbeat of our shared together.
Streets that beckon us to remember.
Streets connecting today to the past.

We stood and remembered those who had passed;
Who made possible the here and now.
Silently promised to remember
And to treasure this land, Israel.
The setting sun brought us together
Altering the mood in a moment.

Tel Aviv, the joyous moment
Pours into the streets. Each face we pass
Alight. Joy in being together.
Joy in being in the here and now.
Joy in this homeland, Israel.
Dancing in joy and to remember.

It can be tiring to remember.
We seek out a more playful moment.
Sand, surf in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Swimming, sunning, laughter, frisbees passed.
Frolicking in the here and now.
Happily in this place together.

Northward now, traveling together.
A new adventure to remember.
Building memories in the here and now.
Journeying from moment to moment,
Weaving together present and past,
Building on friendships in Israel.

Together in all of these moments.
Taking time to remember the past.
We are here and now, in Israel.