News Detail

And One Final Note from Trip Leader Debby Arzt-Mor

Debby Arzt-Mor, Israel Trip Leader
Shabbat and Shalom to Israel (for now)!
I am writing this final blog from the United Airlines gate at Ben Gurion Airport! Having arrived in plenty of time for our flight, students and chaperones are busy picking up last minute gifts and snacks at the terminal shops. We are all ready to come home, but also a tiny bit sad that our Israel adventure is coming to an end.
After breakfast, some of our students set off with visitors. The rest of us headed out to the beach! During this longtime favorite last day activity, our students had a chance to once again soak up the special vibes of Tel Aviv, a nonstop mix of urban bustle and natural beauty, with its tall buildings, white sandy beaches, boardwalks, and cafes.
After lunch at the hotel, we all had a chance to help one another pack and prepare for our journey. Our students were reunited with their electronic devices at this time as well :)
At 4:00 p.m. we gathered for our two-hour long closing circle. The closing circle is an important part of the Israel trip. It is important to take the time to reflect as a group before we head back to our routines in San Francisco. Needless to say, our students will continue to reflect on the trip, as they share with you and our student community about their adventures, prepare for their grade-led tefillah in just a few weeks, and write their pieces for the Israel book.
Students spent some time writing and responding to the final prompts in their Israel journals. Many students shared their reflections with the full group. Students and chaperones expressed heartfelt thanks to our guides and chaperones, who then shared a few closing words with the group, thanking us for a great trip.
These are the questions that students and adults reflected upon. We invite you to continue these and other conversations with your children in the weeks following their return.
  • In what ways did your experiences meet your expectations? In what ways were they different?
  • Describe a moment when you felt a sense of belonging and connection
  • What impressions or understandings will stay with you, long after you have forgotten the details of the trip itself? What is your biggest takeaway at this moment? 
A spirited dinner at the hotel ensued, followed by Havdalah. Before we knew it, it was time to load the bus and head to the airport. And here we are!
I have been chaperoning this trip for ten years, and leading it for five. I continue to do so because I have a deep love for Israel, my home. I am passionate about sharing Israel with our students. Traveling throughout Israel with our students and amazing educators energizes and motivates me, despite the long days and endless details.
Finally, please join me in thanking this year’s incredible group of chaperones: Nicholas Cole-Farrell, Mira Peretz, Sandee Bisson, and Lindsay Mackintosh. I could not have asked for a better team. Thanks to their never-ending patience, loving care, and guidance your children were able to create memories that will last for years to come.
We are excited to see all of you and share our Israel experiences. See you bright and early!
Shavuah tov (have a good week)!