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I-Search Share Faire Showcases Sixth Grade Research Projects

Each year sixth graders undertake an ambitious language arts project called the "I-Search." Students choose a subject they're curious about, find experts to interview, and spend weeks on investigation. They then produce detailed research papers and visual or digital models, which they showcase at a "Share Faire," where guests roam the exhibits and the student researchers expatiate on their chosen topics.
“Throughout the morning, we went through the rigorous training of a college and professional athlete, pondered questions about the nature of dreams and consciousness, debated the ethical implications of new military technology, and launched our careers as DJ’s, doctors, chefs, and designers!” exclaimed teacher Isaac Jacobs.

The research topics range from geopolitical, historical, and environmental concerns (What is the story of the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918?  How is climate change affecting the Pacific Ocean/California coast/the San Francisco Bay?); business and technology (What cultural events/movements made big statements in fashion? — What are stocks and how do they work? — What are some successful ad campaigns and why did they work?); to social and psychological issues (Why do we like sugar? — What is the difference between social anxiety and shyness? — Can we consciously control our dreams? How do we do it?).
After the fair, Mr. Jacobs said to the sixth graders, “Thank you for sharing your work with us. Today marks the end of our I-search, but you will carry this new knowledge with you forever. Your job now is to pass it on!” MORE PHOTOS