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"The names of the lion"

Dear Brandeis community,
Following a tradition I inadvertently started last year, this penultimate Word of the Week of the year is a space to share a prayer, a wish, a poem I have written for our departing 8th grade class, who this morning celebrated their final tefillah with us as students, as leaders, as changemakers ready to go out into the world and make it matter. So, in honor of the many names and spirits that make up this beautiful group of young people, I offer this short prayer for the journey:
The names of the lion
            for the class of 2017
Among the names of the lion
(which in Arabic number 500)
is “Whose Coat Blends With
the Morning,” the light of sun
casting yellow on yellow, ground
on foreground, earth and what
springs from it painted as one.
Lions, your names are ours,
and will be yours. The morning
light is you: stopping an instant,
so quickly gone.
May you illuminate and repair
the world and its people—
new possibilities, new prayers,
new dawns.
Wishing you all weekends full of the light of youth, my friends.