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From Block to Cursive – Second Graders Practice Their Hebrew Writing

Things got a little messy this week in second grade as students participated in two activities—one with shaving cream and the other with chalk—designed to help them learn how to write Hebrew letters in cursive script. “Teaching a new skill needs to be done thoughtfully and creatively,” explains teacher Orit Solomon, “and needs to reach learners with different learning styles.” A main component of the Hebrew curriculum at the start of 2nd grade is for students to learn how to write in cursive. Using shaving cream, Ms. Solomon asked students to write the letters and words in a mound of shaving cream on their desks using their finger as a pencil. With the chalk, students were given a list of familiar Hebrew words written in block letters, and they then re-wrote those words in cursive writing.
“In addition to these activities, students participate in other visual, tactile, and listening activities, which are so helpful to students while they master this skill of writing Hebrew in cursive,” adds Ms. Solomon. MORE PHOTOS